Merkle Trees - II

Gaining trust faster? lighter?

Some time ago, I added an article on what Merkle Trees are and a simple implementation in Go. You can find the article here "Merkle Trees".

After all this time, I finally decided to write a follow-up article to compare how we can make the process even faster and see what is the cost of the attained speed.

I ran some benchmarks on an Apple machine with an M1 chip and 8 GB of RAM running MacOS Sonomo 14.0 using Go 1.18 and below are the results.

There are two methods which I used to generate the Merkle Tree.

Sequential Node Generation

Below is the implementation for sequentially generating the tree nodes.

func generateTree(s []byte, depth int) *TreeNode {
    // length is the length of the data
    // depth is the the maximum required depth of the tree
    return generateTreeUtil(s, 0, length, depth)

func generateTreeUtil(s []byte, start, end, level int) *TreeNode {
    // to check the leaf node condition    
    if start == end-1 || level == 1 { 
        data := sha256.Sum256(s[start:end]) // SHA256 hash of the data slice
        return NewTreeNode(fmt.Sprintf("%x", data), nil, nil)
    mid := (start + end) / 2

    // getting left and right children
    var leftNode, rightNode *TreeNode 
    leftNode = generateTreeUtil(s, start, mid, level-1, mode)
    rightNode = generateTreeUtil(s, mid, end, level-1, mode)

    // concatenating the children data and applying SHA256 hash
    data := sha256.Sum256([]byte(leftNode.Data + rightNode.Data))

    return NewTreeNode(fmt.Sprintf("%x", data), leftNode, rightNode)


Concurrent Node Generation

below is the implementation for concurrently generating the tree nodes.

The difference from the sequential node generation is that the left child and the right child will be created concurrently using goroutines. sync.WaitGroup has been used to wait for the children to be created and then the hash value of the current node will be calculated.

func generateTree(s []byte) *TreeNode {
    return generateTreeUtil(s, 0, length, depth, SERIES)

func generateTreeUtil(s []byte, start, end, level int, mode string) *TreeNode {
    // to check the leaf node condition        
    if start == end-1 || level == 1 {
        data := sha256.Sum256(s[start:end])
        return NewTreeNode(fmt.Sprintf("%x", data), nil, nil)
    mid := (start + end) / 2

    var leftNode, rightNode *TreeNode

    var wg sync.WaitGroup // create a waitgroup
    wg.Add(2) // to wait for 2 nodes to be created
    go func() { // goroutine to generate left child
        leftNode = generateTreeUtil(s, start, mid, level-1, mode)
    go func() { // goroutine to generate right child
        rightNode = generateTreeUtil(s, mid, end, level-1, mode)
    wg.Wait() // waiting for children to be created

    // concatenating the children data and applying SHA256 hash
    data := sha256.Sum256([]byte(leftNode.Data + rightNode.Data))

    return NewTreeNode(fmt.Sprintf("%x", data), leftNode, rightNode)


Talk is cheap show me the code benchmark.

The benchmark was run using the standard testing package of Go.

func Benchmark_generateTree(b *testing.B) {
    for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
        s := generateSlice(length)

as you can see, generateSlice is a helper function that initialises a slice of random bytes using the crypto/rand package.

// length is the length of the slice which we want to generate
func generateSlice(length int) []byte {
    s := make([]byte, length)


    return s

Show me the money numbers.

the execution command for the benchmark

> go test -bench=. -benchtime 2s -count 2 -benchmem -cpu 4 -run notest

the same set of parameters have been used for running the benchmarks and they are listed below.

length := 8388608 // 2^23
depth := 4

Sequential generation benchmark results

result saved in sequential.out

goos: darwin
goarch: arm64
Benchmark_generateTree-4            680       3545200 ns/op        4985 B/op          92 allocs/op
Benchmark_generateTree-4            676       3598568 ns/op        4973 B/op          92 allocs/op
Benchmark_generateTree-4            669       3617644 ns/op        4983 B/op          92 allocs/op
Benchmark_generateTree-4            669       3592869 ns/op        4983 B/op          92 allocs/op
Benchmark_generateTree-4            669       3584948 ns/op        4985 B/op          92 allocs/op
Benchmark_generateTree-4            670       3575145 ns/op        4960 B/op          92 allocs/op
Benchmark_generateTree-4            667       3586166 ns/op        4988 B/op          92 allocs/op
Benchmark_generateTree-4            668       3575892 ns/op        4974 B/op          92 allocs/op
Benchmark_generateTree-4            669       3589222 ns/op        4984 B/op          92 allocs/op
Benchmark_generateTree-4            669       3572839 ns/op        4981 B/op          92 allocs/op

Concurrent generation Benchmark results

result saved in concurrent.out

goos: darwin
goarch: arm64
Benchmark_generateTree-4           2060       1105763 ns/op        6501 B/op         113 allocs/op
Benchmark_generateTree-4           2173       1085570 ns/op        6520 B/op         113 allocs/op
Benchmark_generateTree-4           2260       1099327 ns/op        6505 B/op         113 allocs/op
Benchmark_generateTree-4           2122       1115856 ns/op        6514 B/op         113 allocs/op
Benchmark_generateTree-4           2176       1118865 ns/op        6509 B/op         113 allocs/op
Benchmark_generateTree-4           2200       1107257 ns/op        6519 B/op         113 allocs/op
Benchmark_generateTree-4           2384       1100632 ns/op        6499 B/op         113 allocs/op
Benchmark_generateTree-4           2302       1180999 ns/op        6507 B/op         113 allocs/op
Benchmark_generateTree-4           2350       1181622 ns/op        6516 B/op         113 allocs/op
Benchmark_generateTree-4           2287       1096340 ns/op        6507 B/op         113 allocs/op

Now, let's compare the results of the sequential and concurrent methodologies.

> benchstat sequential.out concurrent.out > compare.out
goos: darwin
goarch: arm64
                │ sequential.out  │            concurrent.out             │
                │   sec/op    │   sec/op     vs base                │
_generateTree-4   3.586m ± 0%   1.107m ± 7%  -69.14% (p=0.000 n=10)

                │  sequential.out  │             concurrent.out             │
                │     B/op     │     B/op      vs base                │
_generateTree-4   4.866Ki ± 0%   6.355Ki ± 0%  +30.60% (p=0.000 n=10)

                │ sequential.out │            concurrent.out             │
                │ allocs/op  │  allocs/op   vs base                │
_generateTree-4   92.00 ± 0%   113.00 ± 0%  +22.83% (p=0.000 n=10)

A whopping 69% improvement in terms of runtime.

But it has come at a cost, the cost is that the memory footprint increased by 30% which is not a small number and maybe something to evaluate deeper as per the use case involved, e.g. one might have strong constraints on available memory.

On looking at the number of allocs/op, they increased by approximately 23%, which again is not a small number.

In summary, we got a tremendous improvement in runtime but one must be careful to not blindly start applying this concept everywhere not factoring in the additional memory and allocations the program had to endure.

Now, many of us may feel like we have found the holy grail of making our Go programmes faster, but alas, we haven't.

Image Source:

Like many things, this is not a silver bullet to improve every program runtime.

Let's look at what happens when we change the parameters.

    length = 32768
    depth  = 6

Sequential generation benchmark results

goos: darwin
goarch: arm64
Benchmark_generateTree-4          63726         36536 ns/op       18522 B/op         376 allocs/op
Benchmark_generateTree-4          64778         37636 ns/op       18522 B/op         376 allocs/op
Benchmark_generateTree-4          64303         37534 ns/op       18522 B/op         376 allocs/op
Benchmark_generateTree-4          63836         37615 ns/op       18522 B/op         376 allocs/op
Benchmark_generateTree-4          63885         37529 ns/op       18522 B/op         376 allocs/op
Benchmark_generateTree-4          64074         37573 ns/op       18522 B/op         376 allocs/op
Benchmark_generateTree-4          64098         37729 ns/op       18522 B/op         376 allocs/op
Benchmark_generateTree-4          64902         37548 ns/op       18522 B/op         376 allocs/op
Benchmark_generateTree-4          63628         37673 ns/op       18522 B/op         376 allocs/op
Benchmark_generateTree-4          63628         37594 ns/op       18522 B/op         376 allocs/op

Concurrent generation benchmark results

goos: darwin
goarch: arm64
Benchmark_generateTree-4          38347         62255 ns/op       25027 B/op         469 allocs/op
Benchmark_generateTree-4          39420         61349 ns/op       25025 B/op         469 allocs/op
Benchmark_generateTree-4          39004         60675 ns/op       25026 B/op         469 allocs/op
Benchmark_generateTree-4          38838         61620 ns/op       25025 B/op         469 allocs/op
Benchmark_generateTree-4          38646         62497 ns/op       25025 B/op         469 allocs/op
Benchmark_generateTree-4          39267         61431 ns/op       25027 B/op         469 allocs/op
Benchmark_generateTree-4          39352         60861 ns/op       25025 B/op         469 allocs/op
Benchmark_generateTree-4          39478         60414 ns/op       25031 B/op         469 allocs/op
Benchmark_generateTree-4          39658         61071 ns/op       25026 B/op         469 allocs/op
Benchmark_generateTree-4          38815         61448 ns/op       25026 B/op         469 allocs/op


goos: darwin
goarch: arm64
                │ sequential.out │           concurrent.out            │
                │     sec/op     │   sec/op     vs base                │
_generateTree-4      37.58µ ± 0%   61.39µ ± 1%  +63.34% (p=0.000 n=10)

                │ sequential.out │            concurrent.out            │
                │      B/op      │     B/op      vs base                │
_generateTree-4     18.09Ki ± 0%   24.44Ki ± 0%  +35.11% (p=0.000 n=10)

                │ sequential.out │           concurrent.out           │
                │   allocs/op    │ allocs/op   vs base                │
_generateTree-4       376.0 ± 0%   469.0 ± 0%  +24.73% (p=0.000 n=10)

What the hell happened here? Why is the concurrent program slower than the sequential one?

We increased the depth of the tree and reduced the length of the slice.

A possible explanation would be that the overhead of using a WaitGroup and invoking goroutines is making the whole program slower.

Wrap Up

Simply changing the program flow from sequential to concurrent will not always make your program go faster. One needs to weigh different implementations and figure out which one works best for the use case.

You may encounter memory constraints, you may find latency to be of utmost importance, and you may encounter varied inputs which may impact the execution of your program.

A good system evolves with time and the changes required.