Data Structures Series III - Linked Lists

Data Structures Series III - Linked Lists

Linked Lists as data structures are very powerful and provide a lot of flexibility and enhanced performance especially in systems with memory constraints towards continuous memory allocation because linked lists do not need a large continuous block of memory to be allocated in order to run the program.

Many programs within the operating systems use linked lists in some form instead of arrays for efficient runtime and memory allocation. A classic example being a least recently used (LRU) cache used in paging which uses a combination of doubly linked lists and maps.

There are numerous operations which can be performed on linked lists, for the sake of not bloating up this article we will be using only 3 basic operations, which are

Traverse: Go to each node and print the value contained by that node.

Insert: Inserts a new node after a particular node.

Delete: Delete the node after a particular node and in case there is no node to delete, do nothing.

Note: We will be using the getter-setter pattern to read and write the fields within the linked list node and not directly reference them.

We will start with defining the interface for our implementation.

type IListNode interface {
    GetValue() int
    SetValue(value int)
    GetNextNode() IListNode
    SetNextNode(nextNode IListNode)
    InsertNextNode(nextNode IListNode)

After defining the interface, we need to declare the struct which will be an implementation of the above interface.

type ListNode struct{
    value int
    next IListNode

After declaring the struct, we start with defining the getter-setter methods for the fields.

func (n *ListNode) GetValue() int {
    return n.value

func (n *ListNode) SetValue(value int) {
    n.value = value

func (n *ListNode) GetNextNode() IListNode {

func (n *ListNode) SetNextNode(nextNode IListNode) { = nextNode

No comes the definition of the methods to perform the basic operations, i.e. Insert and Delete.

func (n *ListNode) InsertNextNode(nextNode IListNode) {
    /* sets the next node address in the field of 
        the new node getting inserted */
    //sets the next node address as the new node

func (n *ListNode) DeleteNextNode() {
    if n.GetNextNode()!=nil {
        // setting the next node address by skipping one node

Do we need to deallocate the memory allocated to the list node getting deleted?

After defining two of the basic operations we will declare the function which traverses through the linked list and prints the values in the nodes.

func Traverse(listNode IListNode) {
    for listNode!=nil {
        fmt.Printf("%d -> ",listNode.GetValue())
        listNode = listNode.GetNextNode()


func main(){

    head := new(ListNode)
    Traverse(head) // prints 1 -> nil

    node1 := new(ListNode)

    Traverse(head) // prints 1-> 3 -> nil

    node2 := new(ListNode)

    Traverse(head) // prints 1 -> 2 -> 3 -> nil

    Traverse(head) // prints 1 -> 2 -> nil

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